Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sneak Peek Saturday

Here’s a look at some of what’s coming next week:

  • Not a writer? Not to worry! I’ve got some simple tips to make writing easy for you.
  • Would you like to write more, but just can’t seem to find the time? I’ll show you how to make the most of the time you have.
  • Not sure where to begin? I’ll walk you through one of the best types of articles that will grab your audience’s attention.

See you Monday!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Why WAHM Writers?

Are you…

  • An experienced business owner, looking for a new way of effective advertising?
  • A blogger, seeking to build your readership?
  • A non-writer, wanting to learn to develop good writing skills that will help you in your business?

As a work-at-home-mom, you understand the importance of maximizing your time. One of the simplest (and free) ways to do so is to put article marketing to work for your business.

Whether you’re a blogger, sales consultant, personal assistant—or any other type of business, perfecting the art of writing is something you should consider. By writing brief articles and submitting them to an article marketing directory, you can drive more targeted traffic to your websites. The best news is that you can do this at no extra cost to you.

WAHM Writers Mission Statement

To offer helpful insight, tips, instruction, and encouragement to WAHM business owners who want to beef up their business through the written word.

This will include some lessons learned through my own personal writing ventures. As the author of several books and a multitude of online content, I’ve learned quite a bit along the way. My goal is to create a sharing community of writers and to-be-writers.

Get ready…Set…GO WRITE!

Writing Is Easy

All too often would-be writers talk themselves out of the pleasure and joy of writing all because they think it's too hard. Are you rocking that same boat?

Let me tell you right now...all those people who say writing is terribly hard are lying to you. Writing isn't hard. Writing is easy. Those who say it's hard think so because they make it hard.

There have been times when I said the same thing, "It's too hard. I can't do it. I can't write anything decent." But it was also during those times that I'd churn out quite a few pages every day, most of which was pretty decent writing.

What's even more interesting is that during the times when I thought writing was too hard, the biggest reason why I felt that way was because I had drained myself entirely of all creative energy I possessed. I worked myself to the bone, never stopping to refill my well or replenish my creative surges.


Make Writing Fun

The simple truth is that you have to make writing fun. Even more true is that there will be days when writing isn't fun at all. It will be hard work. But the end results and the gratification you feel at having completed the work will be well worth it all.

You can make writing fun by...

  • taking frequent breaks.
  • brainstorming with writer friends.
  • infuse creative ideas into your writing.
  • sketching a picture of your character(s).
  • creating a collage of certain aspects of your work to give you a visual goal.

Writing is easy if you make it easy. Writing is difficult if you make it difficult. Make writing what you want it to be. Love writing and it will love you right back. Despise it and it will return the heartache.

Do you think writing is easy?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why You Should Keep a Running List of Article Ideas

As you sit down to write an article, do you feel a wave of apprehension wash over you? Are you overwhelmed by the pressure to produce an article that measures up to someone else's standards? Lots of writers find it difficult to simply start an article when met with outside demands. If you are facing this same type of problem, maybe you should start keeping a list of ideas for future articles.

Reason #1: Ideas spark more ideas. When you have a resource to pull from to get your writing started, it is much easier to begin the writing process. Ideas you've been building on all week will naturally lend themselves to even more creative ideas later.

Reason #2: A pool of ideas saves you precious time. If you have to sit down and brainstorm ideas before you can begin writing, you will lose a lot of time that could be spent on writing instead. When you can pull from a list of previously generated ideas, you will be able to begin developing a better managed writing session.

Reason #3: A list of ideas reduces pressure. As you continue to build to your list of article ideas, you will find that this resource greatly reduces the amount of pressure you might normally feel. Whereas it might have once taken you thirty minutes just to get warmed up, with a solid list of article ideas at your fingertips, you will be ready to start writing in five minutes or less.

It is no big secret that keeping a list of article ideas is one of the best and easiest ways to get you moving-and fast. You can start your list of ideas in a spreadsheet document on your computer, or in a notebook offline. However you choose to do it, the most important thing is that you create a healthy writer habit of capturing your ideas.

Article Source: []

Business Writing: The Dangers of Rushed Writing

If you don’t enjoy writing, you might run the risk of rushed writing. Or, maybe you are already a writer, and because of such, you tend to w...